Using TRUSTBAR.NLM to backup file system trustees
This document (3925492) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
Novell NetWare 5.0Novell NetWare 5.1
Novell NetWare 6.0
Volumes Traditional and NSS.
Network Storage Services (NSS)
Using TRUSTBAR.NLM to backup file system trusteesResolution
In order to backup file system trustees on an NSS volume before a NetWare 6 inplace upgrade or an across the wire migration, TRUSTBAR.NLM should be used. TRUSTBAR.NLM can be found on the NetWare 6 shipping CD in the PRODUCTS\NCS directory. TRUSTBAR will backup both NSS and Traditional volumes. HINT: Use CONLOG.NLM to log all error messages written to the screen. NOTE: TRUSTBAR does NOT work with NetWare 4.x.NOTE: Logins must be enabled for TRUSTBAR to work. Make sure that logins are enabled before running.
TRUSTBAR [path]: [-options]
-H Help
-B Backup trustees
-R Restore trustees
-D Delete trustees
-V Verbose (outputs results to the console)
To back up all file system trustees on VOL2, type the following at the system console prompt:
TRUSTBAR VOL2: -B -V (don't forget the COLON after the volume name)
The output will be similar to the following:
TRUSTBAR: server FS1 DN CN=FS1.OU=Servers.O=novell serverID 0
TrustBar_Trustees(VOL2:Email/Secretary): backup TID 0xB612 name CN=kjones.O=novell rights 83
TrustBar_Trustees(VOL2:Email/Secretary): backup TID 0xB6A1 name CN=dsmith.O=novell rights 65
TRUSTBAR creates a file at the root of whatever volume being backed up called "trustees.xml". Once the file is created, it can be renamed and moved elsewhere. WARNING: if you run TRUSTBAR on a volume which already has a "trustees.xml" file at the root of the volume, the file will be overwritten.
To restore file system trustees, type the following at the console:
TRUSTBAR VOL2:\trustees.xml(or different filename) -R -V (Remember the COLON after the volume name)
The XML file must be somewhere on the volume on which the trustees are being restored, but not necessarily at the root of the volume. If the XML file were in a sub directory called TEMP and the file was renamed to VOL2.XML, the following command would be used:
TRUSTBAR VOL2:\temp\vol2.xml -R -V
To delete all file system trustees on VOL2, type the following at the system console prompt:
TRUSTBAR VOL2: -D (don't forget the COLON after the volume name)
***NOTE - This will remove trustee assignments without warning. Please verify that you have Backed up your Trustee Assignments before doing so.***
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10066145