пятница, 26 октября 2012 г.

Install VMware Tools on Red Hat Enterprise/CentOS/Scientific Linux 6

Подключаем диск с vmware-tools

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
разворачиваем tar в /tmp

Отключаем диск с vmware-tools

и запускаем

далее жмем enter (несколько раз)


Если в системе уже есть драйвера vmxnet3,pvscsi,vmmemctl, то они по умолчанию не заменяются на новые. Тогда запустить конфигуратор с параметрами

vmware-config-tools.pl --clobber-kernel-modules=vmxnet3,pvscsi,vmmemctl

Отключаем диск с vmware-tools

Проверка загрузки драйверов от VM-TOOLS смотреть здесь

Minimize virtual machine restarts or manual driver reloads

To minimize the number of virtual machine restarts, on each virtual machine check whether both the modules are actually configured and the corresponding virtual hardware is present. If these conditions are satisfied, you must restart the virtual machine.
  • To check whether the VMXNET, VMXNET3, and PVSCSI modules are configured by VMware Tools, run the following commands from the virtual machine console: grep VMXNET_CONFED /etc/vmware-tools/locations | tail -1
    grep VMXNET3_CONFED /etc/vmware-tools/locations | tail -1
    grep PVSCSI_CONFED /etc/vmware-tools/locations | tail -1

    If the output contains yes for the adapter type, VMware Tools has configured the module.
  • To check whether the virtual hardware is available, from the virtual machine console run the lspci -n command and examine the output for the following IDs: 15ad:0720 for VMXNET
    15ad:07b0 for VMXNET3
    15ad:07c0 for PVSCSI
You must restart the virtual machine or reload the driver module if the output of the grep driver_CONFED /etc/vmware-tools/locations command contains yes and the output of the lscpi -n command shows that the corresponding virtual hardware is available.
To see information about the adapter driver including its version, run the ethtool -i ethX command on the virtual machine, where X in ethX stands for the sequence number of the network adapter in the virtual machine.

Reload the VMXNET or VMXNET3 driver manually

To reload the VMXNET or VMXNET3 driver propagating its upgrade to the kernel, perform the following steps from the virtual machine console:
  1. Stop virtual machine networking.
    /etc/init.d/network stop
  2. Reload the driver module by running rmmod and modprobe. For example, for the VMXNET3 driver run the following commands: rmmod vmxnet3
    modprobe vmxnet3
  3. Start virtual machine networking.
    /etc/init.d/network start
    ! Перезагрузку выполнять из vSphere Client or vSphere Web Client. !
    ! Если из ssh, то сеть отвалится и соединение пропадет.           !

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